Square Design is a company specialised in the design and production of POS displays made from wood and plywood and offers customer care throughout the entire process.

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Provadia 9200
+359 898 390 930
+359 895 454 407

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Рекламни стелажи


Category: Individual projects
Our client, Coca Cola, is a well known total beverage company. Their portfolio has more than 200 brands and thousands of beverages around the world, from soft drinks and waters, to coffees and teas.

Our job was to create the design and produce a permanent POS display for their trademark, CAPPY KIDS.

Рекламни стелажи

Visibility of the product, target relevance, and engagement were the key strategic goals our client defined for the Cappy Kids range as a long-term investment in permanent POS displays. To be able to respond to all of these goals, we found inspiration in kids games. We decided to show the children how real fresh fruit goes into Cappy juices.

We made the display with an attractive kids’ design with interactive mobile wooden elements which make the display fun and interesting.

With this permanent POS display from a sustainable material, we represent the products of CAPPY as a fun kid’s game.

Рекламни стелажи
Рекламни стелажи