Square Design is a company specialised in the design and production of POS displays made from wood and plywood and offers customer care throughout the entire process.

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Provadia 9200
+359 898 390 930
+359 895 454 407

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Рекламни стелажи


Category: Individual projects
The TEDI Fun Point of Sale Display is a large, colorful display that resembles a fun fair.

 The display features of bright colors, catchy decorations and a variety of interactive elements. Our client knew exactly what he was looking for and we are more than happy that we were able to meet their expectations.

Рекламни стелажи

The TEDI Display is visually appealing, engaging, and interactive.

If it catches your eye, check out our other custom POS displays.

Рекламни стелажи
Рекламни стелажи